Supervision and Management

Managing, supervising and overseeing the works, government grants and enterprises, in order to ensure that they are implemented/managed as planned.

Supervision and Management

In addition to the execution of projects, those related to the Management and Supervision of Works stand out within the activities developed by Engefoto. In this field, the company has provided services to government and private entities with regard to infrastructure projects.

Segments served:

  • Supervision and Oversight of Works
  • Management of Works and Enterprises
  • Technological Control
  • Supervision and Management of Public Concessions
  • Technical Assistance of Works (Assistência Técnica de Obras - ATO)
  • Commissioning of Works
  • Independent Verification


Through the allocation of experienced and effective technical teams along the work fronts, Engefoto acts to ensure that they are executed within the norms and technical standards of engineering.

To this end, Engefoto has several remote offices, equipped with soil, concrete, and pavement laboratories, as well as all other equipment that may be necessary.

Nevertheless, Engefoto also accumulates extensive experience in the supervision and management of Public Concessions, acting in support of the granting agent, so that it has peace of mind and confidence that the contracts are being appropriately fulfilled.

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    Other areas of activity


    Aerial Mapping System with RPAS.

    Railway Infrastructure

    Railway projects and studies.

    Cartographic Bases

    Airborne cartographic surveys.

    Road Infrastructure

    Roads and urban vials studies and projects.

    Oil and Gas

    Pipelines studies and projects.

    Information Technology

    Customized Georeferenced Systems

    Cadastral Surveys

    Preparation of multipurpose cadastres.

    + than 40 years of experience and + than 1,200 conclude contracts

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